One of the best parts of a music festival is the collaborations.
Look for Joe Jucius and Evergreen to join forces and pay tribute to Neil Young on the Becket's patio (Sat Aug 3). Joe is also playing an acoustic tribute to Neil Young at Ground Round on River's Edge the same night. Joe Marcinek (from Fresh Hops) can be spotted with Phocus at Peabody's Ale House on Fri Aug 2. If you don't know who these two Joe's are you are in for one hell of a treat. FVDJA is throwing down mix-up, mash-up and pure insanity on the mixers, tables and controllers just about every where you can hear a beat. Look for more collaborations ALL weekend long.
We are close to featuring music from EVERY artist at the festival on the website. Take a listen to all the great music that you will get the chance to experience LIVE during the festival. More tunes are still coming in every day.
The schedule is almost complete and there are still a few slots and artists to announce. Expect an overall schedule with every venue, artist and time listed soon. The wristbands are in !!! Meet up with Ben to show your advance support for only $5. Come to Cranky Pat's in Neenah every Thursday to check out Jam Funk All-Stars and get your snazzy blue wristbands with "Oshkosh Main Street Music Festival" on them. These bands are durable and your hand will fall off before these things. Expect a last minute headliner announcement this week. This awesome addition is sure to go right to your Heads and feel good on your body's. -Ben Almost the entire schedule is posted under the individual venue pages along with music from the performers. More schedule releases and music are coming soon too. Look for the schedule of The Electric Avenue at Sami's on Main to drop sometime this week.
There is an overall daily schedule coming your way soon that features a guide to the genre that each artist represents. That will make it easy to determine where you need to be and when to be there. Matt Braun is in the process of designing our official flyer and Ryan from Peabody's is working on our T-Shirts. I can't wait to see what they have have up their sleeves. Wristbands come in the mail in only four days. The excitement is increasing every day. Tell your friends and make your weekend plans now. -Ben So much is happening so fast. Here is the rundown of things since the last post.
MORE BANDS, MORE VENUES, MORE MUSIC, MORE SCHEDULE RELEASES, MORE FUN. Check out the individual venue pages for schedules, music and your fun itinerary. We want to welcome The SCENE as a sponsor for the event. Look for an exclusive article in their July issue. In one week we receive our wristbands in the mail. For five dollars you can show your support until the rubber gives way in forty years. Wearing a wristband gets you exclusive discounts at local business leading up to and during the festival. Each wristband purchase comes with a free raffle ticket for one of several AMAZING prize packages. Purchase locations will be posted shortly. And as always....Your comments, suggestions and support are all welcome. Please post on our social media pages and send us emails at [email protected] -Ben Let's diversify things a little bit. Please welcome The Backlot Comedy House and Time Community Theater to the fun. Enjoy interactive improvisational comedy all weekend and the feature film, The Lost Boys, on Sat Aug 3.
Back to work, all day, everyday.
Welcome our new venues The Studio Bar at Washington Hall, Oblio's Lounge & Streets of Fire Skate Studio. There is a new artist lineup as well with more expected artist leaks coming a few more times today. There is a high percentage of return visits to the website and your regularity is getting a reward. Check out our pages for Barley & Hops and Becket's for The main page has been given a facelift. The featured venues and artists now scroll to reveal all the great things we have to offer over the weekend. Look for more changes to the main page in the next few days.
There is now a pre-flyer set to hit the Streets of Main in the next few days. Look for these around town and smile when you see them. We will unveil our official festival flyer in the next few weeks. There are still plenty of artist leaks left. But, now it's time for us to start releasing some schedule information too. Look for hidden info on our venue pages to find out where your favorite headliners are playing. |